Eric + Kim | Ontario, NY

Finally had some down time to finish my parent's 30th anniversary session. It's been a crazy month meeting with couples, shooting engagement sessions and holiday sessions for Christmas cards! Last month my parent's celebrated their 30th anniversary on October 11th in Aruba with some of our great family friends. Before they left I wanted to take some updated pictures as their anniversary gift and I'm so happy I did. My mom was laughing pretty much the entire session as I was directing them on what to do, but it ended up being a good thing! My dad is one of the most patient people in the world and it definitely showed when my mom couldn't keep herself together. I love how you can feel the laughter in some of these pictures and how much they love each other. As a wedding photographer, I'm surrounded by inspiring love and couples who found the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with. Each couple has such a special relationship and it's my job to be apart of their love story. My parents aren't just great role models, they have shown me what it takes to have a successful marriage and life together. They balance each other perfectly and are different enough to challenge one another. I'm so thankful for you both and lucky to have you as examples for what marriage represents. I love you both so much!!!